In September 2010 Memorygirl was challenged by a Mystery Mentor to become the trailblazer in an exciting new transatlantic experiment.

She was to be the first amongst her group of online friends to be mentored to create a Financially and Spiritually Abundant life from the ashes of her previous pre-credit crunch life.

For the full background, go to: and search for post 1506.

Supported by her online cheerleaders, she accepted the challenge - and will do her best to fulfil and excel at the tasks set by her mysterious transatlantic mentor.

All her online friends are invited to play along - because if Memorygirl drops the baton for Britain, someone else will be selected to be mentored in her place.

Let this exciting adventure begin .....

Sunday 3 October 2010


So do you remember when we talked about creating your 250 list - the list that is going to be your "Golden Rolodex" on the way to creatingyour dream life??

Well time to put that list to work a little - so pop off and get it sitting in front of you - ready?

To paraphrase Pareto and his 80/20 rules here are my assumptions.

20% of the people on this list (up to 50) will be the people that add the most value to your life.  They will support you the most, refer you the most business, generate the most sales and in general be the 20% that creates 80% of the abundance and joy in your life. So I want you rank all these people that really contribute towards your goals with an A.

A= Abundance.

There (because everything in the universe needs to be in balance) is also a corresponding 20% of your list, that quite frankly create 80% of the hassle in your life. They are unsupportive, don't return calls, don't pay on time - or at all!!! and are quite literally a drain on your energy reserves whenever you even think about dealing with them.  This 20% I want you to mark with a D.

D = Ditch.

Now I am hoping that you are left with a list that has roughly 150 names on it.  Using your first gut reaction I would like you to rank the rest into two fairly even piles of:

B - build better bonds

C - cultivate relationship

One pen, Four little letters - thats all I need you to do tonight.

Now go celebrate and do something cool with a loved on - or even better, what about a pamper party for one.?

We will come back to your list in a few days.

Mr Big

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