In September 2010 Memorygirl was challenged by a Mystery Mentor to become the trailblazer in an exciting new transatlantic experiment.

She was to be the first amongst her group of online friends to be mentored to create a Financially and Spiritually Abundant life from the ashes of her previous pre-credit crunch life.

For the full background, go to: and search for post 1506.

Supported by her online cheerleaders, she accepted the challenge - and will do her best to fulfil and excel at the tasks set by her mysterious transatlantic mentor.

All her online friends are invited to play along - because if Memorygirl drops the baton for Britain, someone else will be selected to be mentored in her place.

Let this exciting adventure begin .....

Tuesday 21 September 2010


I have – have you?

Do you remember the day they were born – when you looked into those perfect newborn eyes and swore you would protect and cherish them forever?  And they looked at you – and you fell in love, and life would never ever be the same again.

When was the last time you and your child shared that look – the one that says, “you are the centre of my universe and I made a promise to always cherish you”?

Somehow, in the busy-ness  of life we forget to create those moments for our children, we get caught up in the school runs, clean laundry, soccer practice, homework, music recitals, dance class, horse riding mayhem – and simply forget to BE with our children.

Memorygirl has a son that’s 10.  She told me today that she wants to make sure that time with his is scheduled and honoured, because she feels that realistically she’s got about 4 years of weekends before he spreads his wings and needs to “hang out with the guys” in his transition to manhood. 

One great thing she does is have a family adventure day every weekend – where they hang out together and do stuff at the beach, in the mountains, by the lochs (is that right??  Memorygirl told me today that Scotland doesn’t have any lakes, it’s got these instead?)

She wants a simple strategy to remind herself through the week to create “adventures” for her boy in advance rather than hit the weekend with no surprises.  So here’s what we did;

She popped out to a thrift store and bought a large clear glass vase – and in that vase she places 208 marbles ( 4 years x 52 weekends). That vase now sits on top of her desk next to her computer – a daily reminder of why she is doing this work with me and where her priorities lie. Every time they have an adventure day she will remove one marble to keep her goal in her consciousness.

So what simple reminder can you create to prompt you to remember that:

“The people you are working for are waiting for you at home”

Mr Big

If she is quiet tonight then be kind.  I think realising how few special days she has left with her boy really hit home how transient childhood is for him.  In fact we both shed a few tears.


  1. Childhood may be transient, but you'll still have special days with your son even when he *is* grown up! :)

    What a lovely reminder though to stop and make sure you're enjoying life . I don't have children, and probably never will have, but this applies just as much to other family and friends too I think.


  2. Never a truer word written. Unfortunately I don't have children due to medical problems, so the work I do is for my husband and myself as a couple. It is also incredibly important to keep up the relationship that we have. Daily life and other committments can really get in the way sometimes. I found myself thinknig about health and how transient that can be. If my hubby loses his health, or I do... then WHAM! Total change in our lives. It seems a very slim thread to hold onto, but while I still can, I want to live every single day!! And this blog/community is helping me do that. Thank you.

  3. I have no children, it's not for me personally but I do have some amazing children in my life and this has made me realise how importnat it is to step up in my role as a 'cool auntie'. Think we all need one of those and I have the time to make a big impact on their lives so whether it's taking them on days out or sending them fun things then I'm in on this one too!
