In September 2010 Memorygirl was challenged by a Mystery Mentor to become the trailblazer in an exciting new transatlantic experiment.

She was to be the first amongst her group of online friends to be mentored to create a Financially and Spiritually Abundant life from the ashes of her previous pre-credit crunch life.

For the full background, go to: and search for post 1506.

Supported by her online cheerleaders, she accepted the challenge - and will do her best to fulfil and excel at the tasks set by her mysterious transatlantic mentor.

All her online friends are invited to play along - because if Memorygirl drops the baton for Britain, someone else will be selected to be mentored in her place.

Let this exciting adventure begin .....

Friday 17 September 2010


Are you having some fun yet?

So did you identify any moments of joy?  Take a break now for a couple of days and see how many of these moments you are prompted to experience.

Take some time to play as a child again, visit the beach, or the pool.  Buy a copy of a treasured childhood book and indulge in some sleepy afternoon reading.  Eat two deserts instead of your vegetables. Take some children and go fly a kite …………………….. what will your weekend adventure be?

Enjoy your weekend – I will be back on Sunday to set you some challenges for the week ahead.

Mr Big

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