In September 2010 Memorygirl was challenged by a Mystery Mentor to become the trailblazer in an exciting new transatlantic experiment.

She was to be the first amongst her group of online friends to be mentored to create a Financially and Spiritually Abundant life from the ashes of her previous pre-credit crunch life.

For the full background, go to: and search for post 1506.

Supported by her online cheerleaders, she accepted the challenge - and will do her best to fulfil and excel at the tasks set by her mysterious transatlantic mentor.

All her online friends are invited to play along - because if Memorygirl drops the baton for Britain, someone else will be selected to be mentored in her place.

Let this exciting adventure begin .....

Sunday 26 September 2010


So what do you do for a living?  What is it that fills your hours between 9 to 5?  And here's the kicker - does it make your heart sing? or does it just safely pay the bills?

Designing a life for yourself is not about, throwing in the job and striking out on your own.  Although I must confess that there are always people who will jump right on in with both feet and do just that.

Perhaps the question that would be a better one to change your thinking, change your midset, change the route of your life would be;

"What do you do between 5 and 9?" Yes you read that right - turn that sucker on its head.

Most new enterprises start in the twillight hours - a few hours here,a few hours there and few hours at the weekend.  As my Nona used to say "you don't have to throw the Baby out with the bathwater"

Lose an hour of TV per night, 7 per week, 364 hours per year.  Most of us work a 22 day month - so thats the equivalent of two an a half months of working time added onto your year right there.

What could you achieve if you had two and a half months to dedicate to it - learn an instrument, write a book, apply for a new job, find a great relationship?

Makes you kinda think doesn't it?

So what do you do in your 5 - 9?

Mr Big

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